What is the most underutilized seo tactic or strategy?

One of the most underused SEO tactics (which is starting to catch up with the biggest marketers) for this type of non-textual media, is audio transcription. As the director of SEO at R2i, Brittany Nowlin loves all aspects of SEO, but her expertise lies in technical SEO and building solid website foundations for hosting strategic content. Brittany has been helping clients capture real estate on search engines for more than ten years, while driving real business results from organic search for industries such as fashion e-commerce, higher education, and healthcare. It also brings a deep understanding of the user experience with a passion for understanding what the consumer wants and needs, and making it happen.

Brittany's favorite challenge in her daily life is to help her clients engage in dialogues with her users through her ability to analyze and use data to drive recommendations and results. This is one of the most annoying tactics out there. I recently asked marketers and SEOs what they considered to be the most underused SEO strategy or tactic.

Derek Mhoon
Derek Mhoon

Avid social media expert. Wannabe beer specialist. Subtly charming tv scholar. Subtly charming beer ninja. Twitter scholar. Certified coffee maven.